Auto insurance provides protection when you are on the road. Most states have requirements for how much auto insurance you must have. The amount and type vary by state. It is up to you as the auto owner and as a driver to know the requirements in your state. At Adams Insurance & Financial in Northwest Arkansas, you can count on us for all your auto insurance needs. We specialize in giving our customers more than just ordinary customer service; we go above and beyond to make sure you get exactly the coverage you want.
When you own a car, you need to have auto insurance to protect yourself and your vehicle. You may wonder if you, as the driver, are the one that is covered or if it is your vehicle. The occasion may arise when you drive a vehicle that is not your own, and you may wonder if you are covered. You may also allow someone else to drive your vehicle, which is not listed on your insurance policy. Generally speaking, the vehicle is what is covered. This means no matter who you allow to drive your car; your insurance will be responsible in the event of an accident.
This could leave you being responsible for the deductible. It is something you should discuss with the person who is using your car before the actual event. It is also something to consider yourself if you have an accident in a vehicle that belongs to someone other than yourself. An exception is when you rent a car, and in this case, your personal insurance will provide the same protection in the rental vehicle as you have on your personal vehicle.
When you want customized auto insurance, contact Adams Insurance & Financial in Northwest Arkansas, our customer service won’t disappoint.